If you’ve created a plugin for Leiningen, please add it here!
Please note that inclusion on this list does not constitute endorsement by the Leiningen maintainers.
lein-inferv An opinionated Leiningen plugin for inferring versions from UTC timestamp and git sha
lein-v A leiningen plugin for integrating project versions more tightly with git. Never edit
again to update a version. See the blog post.
lein-cljfmt A tool for formatting Clojure code
lein-kibit static code analysis to find more idiomatic ways to write your Clojure code.
lein-eastwood A Clojure linting tool that inspects Clojure code and reports possible problems.
lein-bikeshed Notify you if your code is bad
lein-check-namespace-decls Linter that checks whether your
forms are sorted and don't include unused namespaces
lein-docstring-checker Linter that checks that all public vars have docstrings
lein-ancient Check your projects and plugins for outdated dependencies.
ultra A Leiningen plugin for a superior development environment
lein-try Try out libraries without creating a dummy project/dependency.
configleaf Build profiles and access to project.clj at runtime. (see also 'slothcfg', an updated fork)
datomic-schema-grapher A library and lein plugin for graphing datomic schemas
hiccup-bridge Hiccup to html, html to hiccup
lein-4clj An unofficial companion to 4clojure, a Clojure kata site.
lein-amp Leiningen plugin for generating Alfresco Module Package (AMP) files.
lein-annotations Displays comment annotations in your project.
lein-aot-filter Filtering of AOT compiled class files
lein-auto Automatically perform a task when source files change
lein-autoreload Reload your source in the background while running the repl.
lein-bootclasspath-deps Adding dependency to JVM bootclasspath
lein-capsule Capsule plugin for Leiningen
lein-cascade Execute cascading task dependencies
lein-checkall lein check && lein kibit && lein eastwood && lein bikeshed
lein-checkouts Build all dependency "checkouts" projects before the current project is build
lein-chromebuild Create chrome extensions from clojurescript
lein-clean-m2 Remove all artifacts from local repo not used by current project
lein-codeindex Index code and all project dependencies using etags, ctags or gtags
lein-collisions Find conflicting files on the classpath
lein-cooper Foreman style plugin for Leiningen for running long running dev tasks in parallel.
lein-cprint Like lein-pprint, but with color.
lein-create-template Create Leiningen templates from existing skeleton projects
lein-depgraph Generate a namespace dependency graph as an svg file
lein-dependency-check A Leiningen plugin for detecting vulnerable project dependencies
lein-exec Execute Clojure scripts in a project
lein-expand-resource-paths Expand glob patterns in
to work alongside alternative dependency managers
lein-extend-cp Adds paths to the classpath
lein-externs Generate externs for your ClojureScript project
lein-cljs-externs Generate externs for your Clojurescript project, specified via metadata
lein-figwheel Pushes ClojureScript code changes to the client as you code
lein-file-replace Replace text in files with other text, possibly from a project map
lein-filegen Generate files from data and a template
lein-fore-prob Import problems from 4clojure
lein-git-info Generate current project and all "checkouts" projects git information to file resources/version.txt
lein-git-deps Pull dependencies via git
lein-git-version Middleware DRYs up versions by substituting version info found in git tags into project map.
lein-githooks Manage git hooks in
lein-gitify Create and initialize Github/git in your new Leiningen projects.
lein-grep Improved repository searching built off the search subcommand.
lein-hadoop-cluster Run Leiningen tasks with the configuration necessary to access a live Hadoop cluster.
lein-hiera Generate namespace dependency graphs from Leiningen projects.
lein-idefiles Generate IDE files (Eclipse, IDEA) for Leiningen projects
lein-inject Inject vars into convenience namespaces for the REPL.
lein-instant-cheatsheet Generate a cheatsheet for your project and dependencies
lein-javac-resources Copy resources from
to compile path (hooks into lein javac
lein-jdk-tools Add tools.jar to the classpath
lein-jshint static code analysis for JS, based on JSHint
lein-jslint static code analysis for JS, based on JSLint
lein-libdir Copy dependencies to a 'lib' folder in your project
lein-localrepo Work with the local Maven repository
lein-maven Support for maven projects in checkouts
lein-modules An alternative to Maven multi-module projects
lein-mvn Interop plugin that runs arbitrary mvn commands in an embedded Maven instance
lein-nevam Convert Maven pom.xml files to project.clj files
lein-nodecljs Support for Clojurescript on NodeJS platform
lein-nomis-ns-graph Shows namespace dependencies as a graph, and also shows the namespace hierarchy
lein-notes See inline notes from sources
lein-ns-dep-graph Show namespace dependencies of Clojure project sources as a graph
lein-nsorg Keep ns declarations lexicographically sorted
lein-oneoff Simplify working with one-off, single-file clojure programs
lein-open Open any dependency or installed jar in an editor.
lein-oramvn A leiningen plugin that enables retrieving dependencies from the Oracle Maven Repository
lein-parent Inherit properties from a parent project
lein-pdo Run lein tasks concurrently in parallel
lein-plz Add dependencies to projects quickly
lein-project-edn Emit project details as EDN
lein-re-frisk Web server for the remote debugging re-frame applications (react native, electron, web) using re-frisk-remote library
lein-resource Copy files and transform using stencil
lein-shell Run sub-processes from within Leiningen.
lein-sub Execute tasks on sub-projects
lein-sync Synchronize the shared codebase between leiningen projects
lein-tarsier Add a VimClojure server to your project
lein-teamcity Add an on-the-fly stages, artifacts and tests reporting in TeamCity
lein-thrush Feed the return value of one task into the input of another
lein-ubersource Download the source code for all of the project's (transitive) dependencies.
lein-vanity Lines of code statistics for vanity's sake
lein-var-file Creates an environment variables file. Works great with environ and useful when running Docker containers.
lein-marathon Generate JSON config file for marathon framework from (luminus friendly) config.edn
lein-vertx Develop vertx applications in clojure
lein-webdav Enables uploading of deployments to webdav repos
lein-webrepl A browser based nREPL interface
lein-whimrepl Start a REPL session in a Vim-targetable server for use with vim-slime.
io.aviso/pretty Enable formatted, colorized, readable exceptions
reloadable-app Leiningen template for a new component based app implementing the reloaded workflow.
slothcfg Build profiles and access to project.clj at runtime. Updated fork of 'configleaf'.
varspotting Count public Vars meeting certain criteria (holding functions, macros etc.)
mranderson Download and use some dependencies as source.
gargamel generates pretty (with links etc) changelog based on git commit messages in multiple formats
walmartlabs/shared-deps allow sub-modules to more easily share common dependencies
lein-repetition-hunter find repetitions in clojure code
lein-template-replace substitute templates with given values
support for leiningen.
lein-git-revisions Automatically control Leiningen project version based on Git metadata. Supports extremely configurable version patterns and is 100% hands off after initial setup.
garden-watch Watches for changes in your Garden (edn (CSS)) source files.
hiccup-watch Watches for changes in your Hiccup (edn (HTML)) source files.
lein-bower Bower web lib dependency management
lein-gaeshi Google App Engine webs apps using Joodo.
lein-gwt-plugin Runs and compiles GWT applications
lein-httpd Start a web server in the current directory.
lein-joodo Simple web app library. Tasks to create, test, generate, your code.
lein-karma Runs JavaScript tests with Karma
lein-misaki Helps you building web sites using the Misaki static site generator
lein-protractor Runs AngularJS e2e tests with Protractor
lein-ring Work with web applications using Ring
lein-s3-static-deploy Deploy a local directory as a static website on s3
lein-servlet Work with servlet-based webapps
lein-simpleton Serve files via http out of a local directory.
moarweba Get up and running with a RESTful web-server in one minute.
touchme Touch files when html (by example) files are modified. Can be used to update enlive templates.
lein-sitecompiler The plugin allows generating a static website. Supports many template engines such as Mustache, Hiccup, Cuma, Fleet, Markdown.
lein-tornado A plugin for fast automatic recompilation of Tornado stylesheets to generate CSS efficiently and easily.
clj-dynamodb-local Download and run an instance of DynamoDB Local
clj-sql-up A simple plugin for running SQL database migrations
datomic-schema-grapher A library and lein plugin for graphing datomic schemas
drift Create and run Rails like database migrations in Clojure
lein-dbmaintain DbMaintain integration for Leiningen
lein-embongo Create a managed/embedded instance of MongoDB during a lein build (e.g. for integration testing).
lein-flyway - Flyway Migration Tool ported to Leiningen
lein-h2 - Start a TCP mode H2 database server as part of your lein build.
lein-ldapimem - Create an embedded instance of unboundID's LDAP service (e.g. for testing)
lein-memcached - Create an embedded instance of memcached (useful for testing)
lein-postgres Create an embedded instance of postgres for testing and development.
lein-tern - DB migrations as Clojure data.
zookem Create a embedded instance of Zookeeper during a lein build (e.g. for integration testing)
cloc Generate API docs for your project and dependencies and serve them through a local web server, with a fast Lucene full-text search.
codox A tool for generating API documentation from Clojure source code. (html)
lein-art Render Ash Ra Template (ART) templates with Clojure language processing.
lein-asciidoctor Generate documentation using Asciidoctor
lein-clique Generate a graph of dependencies between the functions in your project
lein-deps-table Generate CSV file of dependencies.
lein-html5-docs Generate HTML5 API docs
lein-javadoc Automatically run javadoc on the java sources in your project
lein-licenses List licenses of all dependencies
lein-licenses-file Writes the licenses of all dependencies to a file in EDN format.
lein-margauto Watches your source directories for changes to your clojure source files and rebuilds the Marginalia documentation whenever you update your source code
lein-marginalia Generate Marginalia documentation
lein-mustache Evaluate Mustache templates with Clojure data files (e.g. for creating templatized documentation)
lein-plantuml Generate UML diagrams using PlantUML
lein-precate Transform project.clj into Leiningen 2.x-compatible form.
lein-sphinx Generate documentation from reStructuredText using Sphinx.
lein-viz Visualize graph and tree data
nephila Show a graph of your Clojure namespaces
gargamel generates pretty (with links etc) changelog based on git commit messages in multiple formats
lein-javac For compiling Java source (1.4+)
lein-multi Run tasks against multiple dependency sets (such as multiple Clojure versions) at once (2.0+)
lein-newnew Next-generation
lein new
supporting custom project skeletons (2.0+)
lein-plugin Manage plugins (1.4+)
lein-retest Run only the test namespaces which failed last time around (1.6+)
lein-run Call -main functions from the command-line (1.4+)
lein-search Search remote repositories for artifacts (1.6+)